All downloadable files are openly available in our Zenodo Community.
Project Flyer
- ARETE Project Brochure [download]
- ARETE Pilot 1 Brochure [download]
- ARETE Pilot 2 Brochure [download]
- ARETE Pilot 3 Brochure [download]
- ARETE Pilot 4 Brochure [download]
Project Logo
- D2.2 Project Plan, Quality Plan, Ethical Procedures [download]
- D2.7 Project Plan, Quality Plan, Ethical Procedures - update 1 [download]
- D4.1 ARETE Use Scenarios [download]
- D4.2 Analysis of User Requirements, Needs and Visionary User Cases for ARETE [download]
- D6.1 Pilots Development Plan [download]
- D7.1 Dissemination Plan [download]
- D7.2 Website and Social Media [download]
- D7.7 Dissemination Plan - update 1 [download]
- D7.9 Website and Socia Media - update 1 [download]
D2.8 Project Plan Quality Plan, Ethical procedures - UPDATE 2 [download]
D3.3 Interactive collaborative ARETE Mobile app (IOS&Android) [download]
D3.6 Report on the standardization landscape and applicable standards [download]
D3.7 Interactive collaborative ARETE Mobile app for Pilot 2 [download]
D3.8 Interactive Authoring Toolkit integration with MirageXR [download]
D4.1 ARETE Use Scenarios [download]
D4.2 Analysis of User Requirements, Needs and Visionary User Cases for ARETE [download]
D4.5 ARETE Use Scenarios: Analysis of Educational Technologies Usage in Situ - UPDATE [download]
D5.1 Analysis of PBIS Requirements for ARETE [download]
D5.2 Interactive AR PBIS component [download]
D6.1 Pilots Deployment Plan [download]
D6.2 Pilots Requirements, Design [download]
D7.3 Showcase Mobile App [download]
D7.10 Website and Social Media - UPDATE 2 [download]
Project Presentations
- ARETE Project Introduction [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Pilot 1 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Pilot 2 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Pilot 3 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 1 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 2 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 3 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 4 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 5 (a) [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 5 (b) [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 6 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Project Work Package 7 [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Pilots Promotion Video [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Pilot 1 Open Call [YouTube Link]
- ARETE Pilot 2 Open Call [YouTube Link]
- Jennifer Tiede, Silke Grafe & Eleni Mangina, (forthcoming) "Teachers‘ Attitudes and Technology Acceptance towards AR Apps for Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network".
- Santawat Thanyadit, Matthias Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law, "Data Visualization for Asynchronous VR Classroom" British HCI 2021 workshop - Beyond Questionnaires: Innovative Methods for Evaluating Mixed Reality, 2021,
- Matthias Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law, "Beyond Paper: PDart - Participatory Design Augmented Reality Tool", British HCI 2021 workshop, 2021,
- Giuseppe Chiazzese, Sui Lin Goei, Jeroen Pronk, Cristino Tosto, Luciano Seta, Marco Arrigo, Davide Taibi, Mariella Farella, Eleni Mangina, "Teaching behavioural routines using Augmented Reality in the ARETE project", International Science Fiction Prototyping Conference 2021, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4916268
- Andreas Dengel, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, Silke Grafe, Eleni Mangina, "A Review on Augmented Reality Authoring Toolkits for Education", Fronties in Virtual Reality,
- Effie Lai-Chong Law; Matthias Heintz, "Augmented reality applications for K-12 education: A systematic review from the usability and user experience perspective", International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Vol 30, December 2021, 100321
- Sui Lin Goei, Jeroen Pronk, Wilma Jongejan, Giuseppe Chiazesse, & Crispino Tosto, "Investigating the Effect of Augmented Reality on Behavioral Management within Primary Schools", APBS Newsletter, Volume 19, no. 3, pp. 3-4
- Eleni Mangina, "The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report--Extended Reality (XR) Ethics in Education," in The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Extended Reality (XR) Report--Extended Reality (XR) Ethics in Education , vol., no., pp.1-27, 15 Dec. 2021.
- Stefano Masneri, Ana Domínguez, Miguel Sanz, Iñigo Tamayo, Mikel Zorrilla, Mikel Larrañaga, Ana Arruarte, "Collaborative Multi-user Augmented Reality Solutions in the Classroom", Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education, February 2022. Free version DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5873678
- Eleni Mangina, Cyril Drury and Georgia Livieri, "ARETE-XR Digital Ethics Framework for AR Educational platform", the 14th International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2021), 26-28 October, Online Conferenc, DOI: 10.20533/iSociety.2021.0002
- Mariella Farella, Marco Arrigo, Giuseppe Chiazzese, Crispino Tosto, Luciano Seta and Davide Taibi, "Integrating xAPI in AR applications for Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support". In proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT2021. July 12-15, 2021 Online conference.
- Jennifer Tiede, Eleni Mangina & Silke Grafe, "Evaluation Design Methodology for Piloting Two Educational Augmented Reality STEM Apps in European Elementary Schools". EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference, 6-8 July 2021, online. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6239815
- Eleni Mangina and Georgia Psyrra, "Review of Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining Applications", 13th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 5-6 July 2021, Online. Find full paper here.
- Jennifer Tiede, Farzin Matin, Rita Treacy, Silk Grafe & Eleni Mangina, "Evaluation Design Methodology for an AR App for English Literacy Skills", iLRN Conference 2021, 17 May - 10 June 2021, online. (forthcoming)
- Muhammad Zahid Iqbal, Eleni Managina and Abraham G. Campbell, "Exploring the Real-Time Touchless Hand Interaction and Intelligent Agents in Augmented Reality Learning Applications," 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2021, pp. 1-8, DOI: 10.23919/iLRN52045.2021.9459415
- Mikhail Fominykh, Fridolin Wild, Ralf Klamma, Mark Billinghurst, LisandraS. Costiner, Andrey Karsakov, Eleni Mangina, Judith Molka-Danielsen,Ian Pollock, Marius Preda, and Aljosa Smolic. 2020. "Developing a Model Augmented Reality Curriculum". In 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE’20), June 15–19, 2020,Trondheim, Norway.ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2 pages.
- Stefano Masneri, Ana Dominguez, Fridolin Wild, Jeroen Pronk, Matthias Heintz, Jennifer Tiede, Adina Nistor, Giuseppe Chiazzese and Eleni Mangina, "Work-in-progress—ARETE - An Interactive Educational System using Augmented Reality," 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, 2020, pp. 283-286,
7897.2020.9155186 . - Jesionkowska, Joanna, Fridolin Wild, and Yann Deval. "Active Learning Augmented Reality for STEAM Education—A Case Study." Education Sciences 10.8.2020: 198,
i10080198 . - Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Fridolin Wild, Mikhail Fominykh, Tobias Ley, Maria Perifanou, Maria Victoria Soule, Davinia Hernández-Leo et al. "Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Technology-Enhanced Learning in Europe." In Frontiers in Education, vol. 5, p. 150. Frontiers, 2020,
2020.00150 . - Huang, Xinyu, John Twycross, and Fridolin Wild. "A Process for the Semi-Automated Generation of Life-Sized, Interactive 3D Character Models for Holographic Projection." 2019 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D). IEEE, 2019,
390.2019.8975993 . - Guest, William, Fridolin Wild, Daniele Di Mitri, Roland Klemke, Jaakko Karjalainen, and Kaj Helin. "Architecture and Design Patterns for Distributed, Scalable Augmented Reality and Wearable Technology Systems." In IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, IEEE TALE 2019: Creative & Innovative Education to Enhance the Quality of Life. 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TALE48000.2019.9225855
- Josh Secretan, Will Guest, Fridolin Wild. "Learning Analytics in Augmented Reality", In: IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE), December 10-13, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. DOI: 10.1109/TALE48000.2019.9225931
- Tiede, J., Grafe, S., & Mangina, E. (2022). Teachers‘ Attitudes and Technology Acceptance towards AR Apps for Teaching and Learning. 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, 30. May, 2022, online.
- Eleni Mangina and Georgia Psyrra, "Learning object metadata and discoverabilitity of STEM educational resources", has been accepted for Poster presentation for the STE2021 conference, FEUP - Porto, 7-8 October 2021.
- Jennifer Tiede, Silke Grafe & Eleni Mangina, "The Evaluation of Augmented Reality Applications in European Primary Schools", has been accepted for Poster presentation for the STE2021 conference, FEUP - Porto, 7-8 October 2021.
- Jennifer Tiede, Eleni Mangina & Silke Grafe, "Evaluation Design Methodology for Piloting Two Educational Augmented Reality STEM Apps in European Elementary Schools". EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference, 6-8 July 2021, online. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6239815
- Giuseppe Chiazzese, Sui Lin Goei, Jeroen Pronk, Crispino Tosto, Luciano Seta, Marco Arrigo, Davide Taibi, Mariella Farella and Eleni Mangina, "Teaching Behavioural Routines using Augmented Reality in the ARETE Project", Fifth edition of the International Science Fiction Prototyping conference - SCIFI-IT 2021, 15-16 April, online and in-presence, Ghent, Belgium.
- Farzin Matin, Georgia Psyrra and Eleni Mangina, "xAPI Profiling for Disruptive Educational Systems", EdTech Winter Online Conference 2021 Paradigm Shift: Reflection, Resilience and Renewal in Digital Education, 14-15 January 2021. (Poster presentation)
- Giuseppe Chiazzese, Gianluca Merlo, Antonella Chifari, Eleni Mangina "Emerging technologies within the PBS framework", November 12, 2020, 1st Online PBS-Europe International Conference.
- Eleni Mangina, "Online learning: Educational Dystopia or EdTech Utopia?, International Conference on Information Communication Technogies in Education", July 2-4, 2020, Samos, Greece. (Keynote presentation).
- Eleni Mangina, "ARETE project", Coordinator workshop on Interactive Technologies, 26 June, 2020, online (Invited talk).
- Mikhail Fominykh, Fridolin Wild, Ralf Klamma, "WG 5: Developing a Model Augmented Reality Curriculum", 25th annual conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), ACM, 2020, Trondheim, Norway.
- Ilona Buchem, Ralf Klamma, Fridolin Wild, Mikhail Fominykh, "WELL4SD: Wearable Enhanced Learning in support of Sustainable Development", Workshop at the 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning: Addressing global challenges and quality education, Heidelberg (GER) / Online, 14 - 18 September 2020
- Fridolin Wild, "Featured Plenary Presentation: The IEEE Standard for Augmented Reality Learning Experiences", iLRN 2020: 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, June 21–25, 2020, Online.
- Stefano Masneri, Jeroen Pronk, Adina Nistor, Ana Dominguez, Matthias Heintz, Giuseppe Chiazzese, Fridolin Wild, Jennifer Tiede, Eleni Mangina, "ARETE - An Interactive Educational System using AugmentedReality", iLRN 2020: 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network, June 21–25, 2020, Online.
- Darya Yegorina, "Augmented Reality for Education with CleverBooks", Reimagine Education Awards, 10th December 2019
- Fridolin Wild, "AR/VR for European Space Programmes", European Space Agency, Dec 2, 2019, Noordwijk/Amsterdam, Netherlands, (Keynote presentation).
- Xinyu Huang, "A Process for the Semi-Automated Generation of Life-Sized, Interactive 3D Character Models for Holographic Projection", International Conference on 3D immersion (IC3D), December 11, 2020,Brussels, Belgium.
- Will Guest, "Learning Analytics in Augmented Reality + Architecture and Design Patterns for Distributed, Scalable Augmented Reality and Wearable Technology Systems", IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (TALE), December 10-13, 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.