With the increasing demand for AR applications in education, there is a growing need for developers to create high-quality AR experiences that are user-friendly, visually appealing, and engaging. The purpose of this markerless app is to enhance the user educational experience for learning to read and spell in the English language. It was developed for both iOS and Android platforms using image recognition and 3D object tracking to accurately place virtual learning models in the user’ environment. It incorporates AR technology in various
aspects with features such as AR-based navigation, product visualization, gamification achievement e.g., jigsaw in the picture. The educational content follows the Science of Reading Philosophy, starting from speech sounds (phonemes), progressing through 7 hierarchical levels to reading and spelling complex multisyllable words in isolation and in sentences. It is unique in that It was developed from an evidence- based online literacy product called Words Worth Learning (WWL).
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For more information, please go to https://wordsworthlearning.com/ or email wordsworthlearning@gmail.com