One year enabling disruptive innovation of AR in education


The H2020 project ARETE has turned 1! The ARETE team is busy preparing for the first project review, but we would like to use this space to reflect on what we accomplished in the first year, and also to let you know what we are looking forward to in this new period.

We have unveiled a new logo, which inspires the main character used in the AR app for PBIS, the new application that will be used to inspire positive behaviour in students from Italian and Dutch schools. The pilot leader in this case is CNR, with a strong contribution from SVU.

Moreover, our industrial partners, Cleverbooks and Wordsworth Learning, have been developing their AR apps for education. They have focused on creating an immersive experience for kids, targeting students' engagement, as well as providing multiuser and interactive functionalities.

On the other hand, our technical partners, OU, UCD and Vicomtech, have been contributing to the definition of standards for AR, especially in the educational sector. The Open University is in charge of mirage-XR, an open source AR framework, with contributions from Vicomtech via their OrkestraLib.

Also, European Schoolnet has been involved in the definition of the pilots and the recruitment of teachers and students to test the applications developed in WP3; while the University of Leicester and Würzburg University have been preparing questionnaires for the user evaluation of the apps.

The entire consortium has also been involved in dissemination. Even though we are only in the first year of the project, we published papers at conferences and in relevant journals, in addition to being active on social media. You can follow us on Twitter (@ARETEH2020) or LinkedIn (!

Looking forward to another successful year transforming the education landscape through AR!